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A Glimpse into Another World

Extract from the beginning of the writing:

"This writing is to be the preparation for a new time. A time that will be of a completely different kind. It is to be shaped by conditions in which mankind adapts to the natural and substantiate forces and uses their help for all manner of formations, while another part of mankind works toward its own demise. A time during which also technology relies on substantiate forces. Today, this form is completely alien to man, but only it can lead him to undreamt-of greatness and be a blessing to him in the long run ...

It will be the time in which, for current understanding, it will become possible to draw energetic forces seemingly from out of nowhere, because man receives access to other spheres whose sources of energy are unknown to him today but which are downright inexhaustible...

This writing not only helps to comprehend occurrences that far surpass current understanding but also to absorb such happenings spiritually ..."


The Failure of Mankind 

Extract from the beginning of the writing:

"Before we move on to the actual topic, and after the experience from the writing "A Glimpse into another World", I would like to invite the reader to fathom deeply within himself where in fact his own consciousness sits and where it has its origin. In some the thought may still arise hereby that fundamentally the matter can after all only be plausibly explained through the interplay of biology, physics and chemistry.

At the very outset, I would like to present all those that are still undecided with respect to this question but still consider another explanation as too abstract with two theses regarding very different attitudes to life.

Thesis 1:
Man consists of the base materials of matter. Over the course of thousands of years, these developed into a consciousness through very complex processes between the smallest building blocks such as atoms, DNA and genes as well as molecules through to nerve fibres. This consciousness is then formed as the genome and basis of the own species in the brain.

In years long measurements science researched along these lines approximately. The entire matter is then referred to as evolution and contains everything that in some way has to do with development. Outside of all recognitions based on this evolution there is nothing measurable and therewith verifiable.

All assumptions, mostly from religious, spiritual or esoteric circles, that wish to proceed far beyond that which science has investigated, are at times indeed exceedingly interesting but also highly utopian hypotheses. Such thoughts, however, can only be taken seriously by very imaginative human beings. These appear never to have learned to face reality but are still stuck in the children’s shoes of gullible, naïve mankind, which in the meantime has been enlightened in particular by science!


Thesis 2:
Only the human body de facto corresponds to the picture described above. Here, research has indeed produced good work.
However, over and beyond that, there is a different, intangible species in man. It cannot even be recognised by science with its technically brilliant means, precisely because it is not of matter. But to label it non-existent is to overshoot the mark by far.

This species will remain a perpetual theory even for open-minded investigators, because the existence can only be suspected or assumed but never proven.

However, it is just this species that in the first place makes the living core in man. It provides the body with an independent self-consciousness. Hence, everything researched by science is therefore nothing but matter glowed-through and therewith animated by this species!

Thus, here we have two extremely different opinions: Now, honestly, which would you align with without hesitation?

Should you be satisfied with the first statement, i.e. thesis 1, then you can safely put this writing aside at this point. The purely material world is therwith your métier and everything raised in this essay will overwhelm your abilities to recognise anything beyond that. You simply lack the desire to be more than just an intelligent, biological humanoid.

If, however, you wish to align yourself with the extended thesis, i.e. number 2, then you will delve into a world with this writing that shows you who you yourself really are…"


The writing "A Glimpse into another World and The Failure of Mankind" is now available in book form and you can order a leather bound copy or e-book at our online bookshop.