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The Bridge School of Spiritual Development are designed for people who are at different phases on their life journey of spiritual development. People who are seeking for answers to questions of human existence

  • Exploratory Phase
  • Immersion Phase
  • Acceleration Phase

Exploratory Phase

The exploratory phase is your initial interface with the New Knowledge - “In the Light of the Truth”. You may decide to proceed to the immersion phase seamlessly after the introductory words on our landing page or dwell a little while in the Exploratory Phase. The book, “A Glimpse into Another World and the Failure of Mankind” serves as a bridge to the knowledge of Truth. Free excerpts of this work are available on this website and you can purchase the book here as well.

“Sluggish and tardy are those who carry within them the spark of awakening, but still sleep. They get entangled in the meshes of everyday life and imagine that they cannot give their soul, their spirit, which is already restlessly knocking on the walls inside them, the walls which you built for it in the wrong earthly work. The Spirit knocks so that you will open the door for it so that, developing, it will be able to rise to its identity in the home of all spirits, in paradise”. – Abdruschin


Immersion Phase

The immersion phase is when you decide to delve into the New Knowledge – In the Light of the Truth by clicking through and reading the first lecture – “Recognizing”. After reading the first lecture you may choose to register on our website to read further lectures or visit our online bookstore to order the book – “In the Light of the Truth, The Grail Message”, the complete 1941 edition from this website. There are two option in the immersion phase – 

One, proceed on your own with reading the Message from the Grail sequentially on our website or order the book, In the Light of the Truth, from our online bookstore and read on your own. If you feel a need to clarify or discuss certain portions of the book you may get in touch with us via email or WhatsApp message.

Two, enroll in the Online Reading Classes for seekers. You may decide to immerse yourself in this New Knowledge with other seekers from around the world led by a Reading Guide. These reading classes are made up of 5 (five) to 10 (seekers) who meet at prescheduled time weekly for one and half to two hours weekly for a full one year of sequential reading of the New Knowledge. Participation in these Reading Classes are renewable annually.

The cost implication for these classes range for $0 - $5 per session weekly for 52 weeks per year, that is depending you’re your financial capacity you may pay $5 or $4 down to $1 per week per annum or select $0 for free of charge service if you cannot afford to pay. Apply for your course here.

“Bring life into you, increase it to the highest possibility; because your path has been wrong so far. You made it too easy for yourselves in your careless view of the forgiveness of your sins, of God's eternal longsuffering, and the unfortunate delusion of being able to load the entire burden of debt on a son of God, as atonement. All this is not a lack of understanding, but damnable laziness in thinking, combined with the conceited arrogance of your so limited, pathetically earthly mind.” - Abdruschin


Acceleration Phase

The Acceleration Phase is the time at which you come to the knowledge of Truth and yearn to fulfill the Will of the Creator of all the Worlds. It is time when you start coming to a recognizing of your life purpose and what you’ll need to do to fulfill it.

“Gather all your strength to remember that you may experience the time on earth that God has promised as the time of judgment. Blessed are you who wake up at the right time! You will shine in all confusion, shine with your calm confidence, your strength and your confidence in victory. Amen” - Abdruschin